Here comes baby #2

FINALLY glad I can tell everyone! We are expecting our 2nd baby around the end of August 2014.  Still no idea what gender, but I do have a hunch. Here is the cute little video announcement I made on iMovie.

I am also very glad to announce it so I can stop trying to hid it.  My belly seriously popped out a week after I found out (4 weeks).  People were starting to get suspicious, especially at church.  Every Sunday I would try on 10 different outfits, trying to find one that didn't show that little pooch sticking out!

The pregnancy has been SO different than Jackson.  With him, I found out at about 6 weeks.  I got one really big migraine (and couldn't take anything) and then after that I had NONE until about half way through nursing (6 months old) they started to come back. But they were only headaches.  Since I have been pregnant I have had them TOO often.  Sometimes every other day for a couple of days, and some lasting multiple days.  Thank goodness they aren't migraines but headaches still are not fun! Especially because most the cures I have read about do not work for me.  I have found a couple more so I will try those.

Also, I feel sick ALL the time.  I have been better since I got prescribed some nausea medicine and that has helped a lot! Thank goodness!

I had my first appointment at 9 weeks and I got to see the little baby in there! We also got to hear and see the heart beat! Loved it! I did express some concerns since Jackson was born with so many birth defects.  She said I wouldn't be a high risk pregnancy, but for my 20 week ultrasound I would go to a high risk doctor and they would do a very thorough exam to see what everything looks like.  That's exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time!

No matter what happens, I know this baby will be loved with everything we have to give! So excited and freaking out at the same time about having 2 kids!!


  1. Ahhh!! Congratulations!! You should check out an amber necklace for your headaches. I have bracelets for my carpal tunnel and they work great. Here's the website I ordered from

  2. I just posted a fictional children's story about two characters who were born with craniosynostosis on my Blog, "Minuscule is good!". { } Check it out if you would like!! And maybe leave a comment so I know you visited? Raising craniosynostosis awareness with something I can do.... Write!! I hope you enjoy it!! ;)
    PS. Congrats!! I'll read this post later when I have time!! ;)

  3. Lesley....
    I'm back!! Did you miss me? ;-D
    I love, love, love your new Header Picture!! It is so very precious!! I think I can see Jackson's BEAUTIFUL "Cranio" scar!! Love it!! ;)
    "I am also very glad to announce it so I can stop trying to hid it. My belly seriously popped out a week after I found out (4 weeks). People were starting to get suspicious, especially at church. Every Sunday I would try on 10 different outfits, trying to find one that didn't show that little pooch sticking out!". Crack. Me. Up!! ;-D
    Sorry that you have been experiencing headaches!! No fun!! I suffer from occasional headaches, and they make me cranky!! Take care!! ;)
    I am sorry that you have been feeling sick all the time!! No fun!! :-(
    "I did express some concerns since Jackson was born with so many birth defects. She said I wouldn't be a high risk pregnancy, but for my 20 week ultrasound I would go to a high risk doctor and they would do a very thorough exam to see what everything looks like. That's exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time!". I can't but agree!! That does sound nerve-wrecking!! ;-D


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