Thalman Update

Oh my it has been awhile!

I didn't think having 2 kids was changing much but little things like keeping up the blog have been put on the back burner and forgotten about.

Here is a little update

Eli is now 7 months.  He is sitting up, can get down to his belly and back up to sitting again.  He is army crawling everywhere and is starting to pull himself up.  He is starting to be a Mama's boy and starts crying and reaches for me when others are holding him.  He is also having a rough time with growing teeth! He just cries and cries, gets really snotty, and sleeps terribly! This mama is exhausted!

He is starting to eat solid food.  We started with rice cereal and he loved it and then moved to baby food.  He hasn't been so enthusiastic about that.  He has gone up and down with wanting to eat food and then not wanting to at all.  He lost a couple of ounces from his 4 month app. to his 6 month app.  The doctor isn't super worried but we have to come back in for a weight check in a month.  With this weight loss we will be working harder at finding something that he will eat.  Turns out just wants to feed himself.  He is currently loving avocados, bananas, strawberries, Cherrios', and holding the spoon himself with baby food in it.

He is such a pretty happy baby (minus for the teething part) and his brother LOVES him.

Jackson is a handful!  He is the sweetest boy.  He likes whispering in my ear "I love you most" and "You look like a princess".  Melts my heart! He is also very rambunctious.  Loving to make loud noise, playing with his cars/trucks, and dancing in kitchen with mom.  He also can't wait to start playing outside more!

I can officially announce we are ALMOST DONE with potty training!! Say what? Wasn't that like  months ago that you started?? YUUP! He just started telling me, without me having to ask him or tell him, that he has to go to the bathroom! Took long enough! This morning he even went poop all by himself WITH me on the phone! He is dry about 95% of the time for nap.  Bed time will probably take awhile.  But he goes before bed and when he wakes up.

We are doing swim lessons again and he is rocking it! He is jumping in and going all the way under water before daddy pulls him back up and he is using his hands and his feet to swim.

I am.... tired.  Ha.  Eli is still waking up at least twice a night (during teething it's more often) and my body isn't letting me nap during the day.  I have also been going to the gym 3 times a week! I do a couple of CRAZY hard classes, a spin class (got to get ready for my race in Sept), lift weights, and cardio on my own.  It has been lots of fun.  I am feel great and getting my body back in shape after Eli.  Still not there, but my milk supply has gone down so I don't want to do too much.  I have been drinking 116 oz of water a day.  I have noticed I feel much better, my supply is better, and the skin on my face looks fresher! I suggest you try to drink at least 90oz a day!

Scott is busy busy with school and research.  The PhD program has been a little more difficult than the first 2 years of medical school. He will be done with classes after this semester so hopefully it will  quiet down after that.

We have many projects coming up! Including a kitchen remodel!!! We went to Ikea a couple of weeks ago and bought our cabinets! Can't wait for you guys to see it come together!

Oh yeah, there was also that time Scott was putting in recessed lighting in our living room and then put a big hole in it with his butt when he almost fell through =)


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