Eli Joseph: Birth Story

It all started August 21.

I had been trying everything to get my labor going. I had been going lots of walks, doing zumba, and even got a pedicure the night before as a special present from one of my sweet sister in laws (she heard it could start labor).  That morning I mowed the lawn.   (It seriously needed to be done and I enjoy doing it). NOTHING was working.

Reasons why I wanted to have this baby early
1.  Scott was going to start school the next Wednesday. (6 days)
2.  My mother in law was coming the next day and I wanted to have her to help as much as possible.
3. I was getting more and more stretch marks on my low stomach because of how low he was.  I didn't get any with Jackson. =(
4. I was sleeping awful.
5. I was 39 weeks pregnant, soooo yeah.

At my 39 week appointment, that afternoon, I had the doctor strip my membrane.

I was a little crampy that afternoon, but nothing too serious.  My friend Hannah came over that night to watch a movie.  As I was squatting down to put the movie in the DVD player BAAAAAAAAM! Contraction (7:45pm)!

As we were watching the movie I was having contractions and started timing them.  They were irregular and I wasn't sure if I should count the crampy feeling in-between as a contraction.  So when I stopped counting those, I was about 6 or 7 min. apart.  I didn't want to go in yet because I felt like with Jackson I went in too early.  As we were watching the movie they were getting stronger and stronger and a little closer.  Finally, when I couldn't talk through them anymore I decided we needed to go to the hospital.

Hannah went home to get some things so she could stay the night at our house with Jackson.  We got everything packed and it was seriously almost impossible.  I didn't really experience really painful contractions with Jackson (got the epidural really early).  I was trying every position possible (the stairs, all fours, laying down) to make them feel better and nothing was working.  I decided to wait in the car until Hannah got there so we could leave ASAP (10pm).

She got there and off we went.  I was SCREEEAMING almost the whole way and there was no longer a break between my contractions.  We got the hospital and I was in tears.  Luckily, there was a security guard there to wheel me up while Scott parked the car.  I remember feeling like such a wimp sitting in the waiting room (full of people), bawling, screaming, snot running down my face. Luckily, they just sent me right back into a delivery room saying "I think she's a keeper!" They checked me and I was 7cm and 100%.

We got there and they couldn't even finish the sentence "Do you want an epidural?" before I said "YES!" This part was so hard.  Sitting, waiting, grasping onto the side of the bed with all I had breathing through the contractions.  Scott had no idea what to do. I asked him to massage my back but that made it worse. So he just held my hand as I shook him, squeezed him, and told him I didn't want another kid. Ha.

They started the IV and then told me I couldn't have it until the IV was done.  WHHAAAT? Luckily they put a thing like a blood pressure cuff on it to make it go faster.  Finally, the anesthesiologist came in.  I told him how the epidural didn't work with my first and he better do a good job this time around.  I remember feeling my legs go numb, but I was still feeling contractions.  FINALLY, it started to work. I was able to relax for a little.  My fears of it not working this time around were gone... for about an hour.  I eventually started to feel a slight pain in my uterus.  I talked with the nurse about it and she got the peanut ball (like an exercise ball) for me to put my legs around.  She also had me lay on my side to see if that would help.  It started getting worse and worse and I remember being like, I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!!  We decided to push the epidural button again.  After that she checked me and I was 10 cm and 100%!! GO TIME.  Turns out the feeling I was feeling (instead of the push feeling) was meaning it was time to go.

They had me do a couple of pushes so I would be ready for when the doctor got there.  They kept saying "GREAT PUSH, I can see him coming" and me being like.. wait what?? I don't feel ANYTHING! (with Jackson I pushed for about 2 hours and felt everything).  The doctor got there and everything was calm, he asked if Scott wanted to help deliver and so he did. I pushed a couple more times and then they said "There is his head!" I couldn't believe it. I kept saying really? Are you serious?? No pain, no pressure, nothing.  Just pure magic and happiness. I couldn't believe I just had a baby.

Eli Joseph Thalman was born August 22, 2014 at 1:01 am.  He was 7 lb 3 oz and 21 inches long, with blonde hair, blue eyes.

It was such a great experience and I am thankful for having a complication/pain free birth.  If it was like Jackson's, I seriously would consider not having another kid.  Now I know I need to go in earlier to avoid the mega contraction pain before the epidural.

To be honest we weren't sure what to do.  We had a healthy baby boy.  Scott stayed with me until the next day and it was just me and the little guy the rest of the time (except when I had visitors).  We mostly cuddled, slept, and ate (both of us).  They took him occasionally just to get checked out but other than that it was low key.  Such a blessing to be able to enjoy those specials times together. Love this little edition that chose to be in our family.


  1. Leslie....
    I am sorry for being away all these months!! I've missed every single Blog that I read/comment on!! It feels so good to be back!! At last!! ;-D
    A belated congrats to the arrival of Eli!! I love, love, love that name!! Thanks be to God for his heath!! ;)
    Love you later, Raelyn


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