
Showing posts from August, 2014

Eli Joseph: Birth Story

It all started August 21. I had been trying everything to get my labor going. I had been going lots of walks, doing zumba, and even got a pedicure the night before as a special present from one of my sweet sister in laws (she heard it could start labor).  That morning I mowed the lawn.   (It seriously needed to be done and I enjoy doing it). NOTHING was working. Reasons why I wanted to have this baby early 1.  Scott was going to start school the next Wednesday. (6 days) 2.  My mother in law was coming the next day and I wanted to have her to help as much as possible. 3. I was getting more and more stretch marks on my low stomach because of how low he was.  I didn't get any with Jackson. =( 4. I was sleeping awful. 5. I was 39 weeks pregnant, soooo yeah. At my 39 week appointment, that afternoon, I had the doctor strip my membrane. I was a little crampy that afternoon, but nothing too serious.  My friend Hannah came over that night to watch ...

Just sitting and waiting

I am not a patient person and it is definitely showing.  Baby boy is due Aug 29, so that makes me 38.5 (ish) weeks.  I had Jackson at 37.5 and I had every intention of having this baby then too.  All the signs pointed to it.  I was having a lot of braxton hicks, I was dilated a 3 almost 4cm and 50% effaced.  We even had a false alarm of 4 min. apart contractions for over 3 hours to only go away a little after.  My doctor last week even said that I was now 4 cm, 70% effaced and my water bag was about to pop.  Still nothing. He is pretty squished in there! This was 36 weeks weighing 6 lb 2 oz. I've been walking, doing zumba, eating pineapple, been getting lots of foot massages from my hubby, and nothing seems to be moving him along.  Oh, PLEASE give me patience!! He will come when he is ready. But I have been ready for WEEKS! No room left to grow! Jackson is so excited to be a big brother.  We have been talking about it for...