Eli Joseph: Birth Story
It all started August 21. I had been trying everything to get my labor going. I had been going lots of walks, doing zumba, and even got a pedicure the night before as a special present from one of my sweet sister in laws (she heard it could start labor). That morning I mowed the lawn. (It seriously needed to be done and I enjoy doing it). NOTHING was working. Reasons why I wanted to have this baby early 1. Scott was going to start school the next Wednesday. (6 days) 2. My mother in law was coming the next day and I wanted to have her to help as much as possible. 3. I was getting more and more stretch marks on my low stomach because of how low he was. I didn't get any with Jackson. =( 4. I was sleeping awful. 5. I was 39 weeks pregnant, soooo yeah. At my 39 week appointment, that afternoon, I had the doctor strip my membrane. I was a little crampy that afternoon, but nothing too serious. My friend Hannah came over that night to watch ...