
Showing posts from 2014

Eli Joseph: Birth Story

It all started August 21. I had been trying everything to get my labor going. I had been going lots of walks, doing zumba, and even got a pedicure the night before as a special present from one of my sweet sister in laws (she heard it could start labor).  That morning I mowed the lawn.   (It seriously needed to be done and I enjoy doing it). NOTHING was working. Reasons why I wanted to have this baby early 1.  Scott was going to start school the next Wednesday. (6 days) 2.  My mother in law was coming the next day and I wanted to have her to help as much as possible. 3. I was getting more and more stretch marks on my low stomach because of how low he was.  I didn't get any with Jackson. =( 4. I was sleeping awful. 5. I was 39 weeks pregnant, soooo yeah. At my 39 week appointment, that afternoon, I had the doctor strip my membrane. I was a little crampy that afternoon, but nothing too serious.  My friend Hannah came over that night to watch ...

Just sitting and waiting

I am not a patient person and it is definitely showing.  Baby boy is due Aug 29, so that makes me 38.5 (ish) weeks.  I had Jackson at 37.5 and I had every intention of having this baby then too.  All the signs pointed to it.  I was having a lot of braxton hicks, I was dilated a 3 almost 4cm and 50% effaced.  We even had a false alarm of 4 min. apart contractions for over 3 hours to only go away a little after.  My doctor last week even said that I was now 4 cm, 70% effaced and my water bag was about to pop.  Still nothing. He is pretty squished in there! This was 36 weeks weighing 6 lb 2 oz. I've been walking, doing zumba, eating pineapple, been getting lots of foot massages from my hubby, and nothing seems to be moving him along.  Oh, PLEASE give me patience!! He will come when he is ready. But I have been ready for WEEKS! No room left to grow! Jackson is so excited to be a big brother.  We have been talking about it for...

Potty Training

All of his new underwear from Nana and Papa! Well I took the plunge and decided to give potty training a go before baby #2 makes his appearance at the end of August.  Buying 2 sizes of diapers is NOT in our budget and his poopy diapers were seriously AWFUL smelling. I wanted to do it at the end of June but things just kept coming up during the weeks and I didn't want to have anything interfere with the week of house arrest. We put out a potty chair around Christmas time to kind of introduce it and make it apart of everyday life.  He would sit on it to brush his teeth or while Scott or I was going to the bathroom.  It took him awhile to even sit on it without a diaper on. He even went pee in it a couple of times.  About a month ago he started not wanting to sit on it at all and I figured the novelty of it was wearing off and I put it in the closet.  He would ask for it and want it, but I would always say "When you're ready to big boy and use it we will get ...

Jackson is... 2???

How did that happen?! 2 years ago today we got to finally go home after his open heart surgery after being born, which you can read about  RIGHT HERE What a fun little man we have on our hands.  He runs around all day.  Loves anything to do with balls, cars, and trains.  Typical boy.  He talks in full sentences, sleeps in a big boy bed, and we will soon start potty training! He also sings songs the ABCs and many songs he has learned at church.  So cute to listen. Thank you Lucie for the adorable pictures!   For his birthday I really wanted to do something low key and not too much work.  Of course that doesn't apply to the cake, the most fun part! We took what Jackson loved and made a party out of it. A ball party.  We had it in our backyard, invited a few of his friends (also my nieces and nephew were in town!) and played with big and small balls, all sports balls, and bubbles (ball shaped). Now...

Quick Pregnancy update

Quick update. This pregnancy has not been so nice to my head (lots of headaches) and my stomach (HOLY feeling like I'm going to explode from being so bloated!).  Luckily, I have been feel much better! Seeing a chiropractor helped with the headaches, and well the bloating?  That is still off and on. I am 24 weeks (seriously? This is taking forever and going by so fast at the same time!) I weigh about the same as with Jackson at this time, but I am much bigger in my belly.  My doctor at my appointment today told me our little man is being projected at around 8 lbs at birth.  NOOO!! Jackson was 6 lbs 3.8 oz.  I'm seriously frightened about anything bigger than that! Oh well. Jackson 27 weeks Little man 21 weeks One thing that has been nice (I guess I'll call it that) is seeing this little man more often! We have been seeing a high risk doctor for our ultrasounds because of Jackson's birth defects and that means lots...

BE PREPARED!!! 72 hour kit

"...when we really get into hard times, where food is scarce or there is none at all, and so with clothing and shelter, money may be no good for there may be nothing to buy, and you cannot eat money, you cannot get enough of it together to burn to keep you warm, and you cannot wear it." (President J. Reuben Clark, Jr. - Church News, November 21, 1953, p.4.) At my church the women's group called Relief Society has monthly activities.  This months activity was 7 weeks to a 72 hour kit.  Luckily, I lived in Utah for a couple of years and you can find emergency supply stores easily.  Scott and I decided to follow the Prophet and Apostles (leaders of our church) advice and COMMANDMENT to have a 72 hour kit for each person.  A bag that you can grab and go out the door if an emergency arises.  So Scott and I spent a Saturday gathering up supplies and making our kits.  Granted we probably have more than what you would NEED in 72 hours but I like being over prep...

Spring Break in Colorado

Being in medical school is hard stuff.  But I think I'm okay with still having spring, Christmas, and summer break.  And now that Scott starts his PhD next year we have at least 3 more years of them! We were so excited that we could go out to Colorado to see Scott's family who we haven't seen since October!! Jackson has grown up so much since then and everyone was so excited to see the little boy he has become. It started out early with a 6:10am flight, meaning we had to wake up at 2:30am to leave for the airport.  Ouch.  But luckily, Jackson slept almost the whole time and did so well when he was awake.   We had a rough time from the flying (threw up on the way home from the airport AND on the plane back home) and from the time change.  He was up at 5:30am every day and didn't do so great with nap time. But we took turns and dealt with it. While we were there we did LOTS of shopping and LOTS of hanging out with family and friends. We found s...

Our not so little boy.

Jackson is 20 months old.  That is 4 months from being 2!! I can't believe it. But at the same time I can with his little 2 year old attitude =)  For one of my New Years resolutions, I wanted to do more sensory and craft things with Jackson. This is cloud dough.  He LOVES it at it's only oil and flour mixed together! Jackson can... do the hand motions to the songs Popcorn popping and 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed and do the motions and sing Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. he knows 22 shapes.  Can say 7 of them, and can see circles, squares, triangles, hearts, and diamonds in everyday objects and life. count to 3. help get dressed and undressed. Painting in a bag.  This lasted about 5 seconds when he realized he couldn't actually touch the paint. Jackson says... His favorite word and food is cereal.  He wants it for every meal and snack. He is now saying 3 word phrases.  The cutest are " I got it",  "Turn li...