Surgery #5 planned and what our cute boy is doing these days!

This day came too soon.  The day after all of Jackson's surgeries we knew he would need were finished and we would find out he needed another one. 

An unplanned one. 

 I guess I handled it much better than I thought I would.  I didn't really tear up until after I got home from the appointment.  The doctors probably think my heart is made of steal the way they nonchalantly said it to me. It's not a big deal and is an outpatient procedure.  

He has a hernia.
   They thought he had hydrocele for awhile now, which is a fluid filled sac in the scrotum.  And it still might be that. We will find out if it's that or bowel that has moved down into his scrotum after the ultrasound next week.  He isn't in pain and it really hasn't been a big deal. 
His right side has always been a little bigger but it was luck that the day he had a fever (his testicles usually hanging way out of him when he has one. Awkward, I know) he had a follow up with his urologist for his surgery a couple of months ago.  He look one look at it and was like, "How did we miss this? He needs surgery." I wish he would've had symptoms then because they could have done it the same time.  Oh well, just add it to the list, making this surgery #5.

On happy news.  Jackson is seriously so fun and cute!

He knows and LOVES dogs.  If you didn't see the video on my facebook, check it out.  For example, we were playing tennis last Saturday and a guy walking his dog went by the courts.  Jackson walked across another tennis court, through the grass and walked right up to the dog.  Seriously so cute the cuddles our dog Scout gets.

Jackson can point to my nose, head, ears, mouth.  I can usually get him to point to his nose and head.

Daddy doing hair

His favorite word is Uh-oh.  Super cute and awful at the same time because that is his in trouble word.  If he does something he isn't supposed to, I say "uh-oh" (Love & Logic, check it out!).  He now says it almost all the time.  Usually while he is doing something naughty, so at least he is getting it.  Uh-oh is usually followed with 30 sec - 1 minute of sitting on the stair.  He is a pro. 

He can get on his rocking horse all by himself.  It is a nightly ritual of him going over there getting on, rocking a couple of times, and getting down.

All-star cuddler with anything soft! His favorite place is Scouts bed though.  But any pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal will do.

Daddy just taught him "What does a buck say?" and then you hit heads together.  He is not so soft doing that.

This kid LOVES to dance.  He goes up and down and swings his arms and tries to snap his fingers.

Teeth # 3, 4, 5, 6 all coming in at the same time, and all on top.  Finally!

The first homemade cookie he has ever had.

When I say "hold my hand" he automatically reaches up and grabs it.  What is even better is when he does it without me saying anything.

He has recently learned how to use a fork and spoon.  We are still working on it, but he is getting really close!

He likes to put his blanket over his head and then do things he knows he isn't supposed to.  Like playing with the trash can.  As if, him having the blanket on his head makes him invisible.  Sneaky kid.

Oh, and seriously love the way he drives his toy cars around saying VROOOOM  

Man I love this guy to pieces! Almost 14 months old!


  1. You are so amazing. Jackson is a lucky little guy to have you for his mother through all of this, although I'm sure that you hear that often! Thanks for being an example of strength to me. I'll be keeping you guys in our prayers <3

  2. Thanks Becca! Hope everything is going well with your sweet little lady! Will she be having surgery soon? Also, don't you have a blog? What is it?


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