Jackson is 1 / Mustache Bash!

Jackson turned 1 about a month ago. Seriously, where has the time gone?? The day after his party I left for vacation so I haven't blogged about that or even the awesomeness of my little man.  First the party!

We did a combined birthday with his friend Sophia who turned 1 the day after him.  Her theme was Sesame Street, which is why some of the food and decorations have that.  Jackson's was Mustache Bash and I had SO much fun making things for it.  It was HARD work though and a lot of time and thought.  Bummer, cause he won't remember a thing =)

First, Decorations.  I got most of my ideas from pinterest and then made them my own.
Jackson's Table.
Props for the photo booth I made

This sign was made by a lady in my church.  Turned out JUST how I wanted and costs $60 less than they were charging on Etsy!

The Cake.  Ok.  This cake took me 4 days to make! 
3, 6 inch layers blue and gree
All of the decorations are fondant.  
It was SO GOOD! ALL OF IT! Even the fondant.  I did have some tears, but with marshmallow fondant you can easily hide those!

 Photo booth fun!

Cake smash time!

How spoiled is this kid? This is his 3rd cake smash. 

First cake smash for his 1 year photos

Look how much he has changed! This is 1 month and 12 months...

- 2 teeth
- blue/gray eyes like his Mom
- Walks, and even runs everywhere
- Turns in circles
- LOVES his mama and often gives her REAL hugs on whatever body party he can grab
- Loves stuffed animals.  Could have cared less about them 2 months ago but gives them hugs and kisses whenever he can.
- Dare devil.  When dad swings him upside, he arches his back so dad can't catch him so he keeps swinging.
- Eats everything.  Food, dirt, paper, toys.
- Drinking whole milk
- 2 naps a day for 1 1/2 - 2 hours if I'm lucky
- Sleeps 7:30 - 7 am
- Loves putting stuff away / cleaning up
- Has started to throw everywhere.   Not just balls.
- Can sign drink, more, all done, food.
- Can say, Mama, dada, dog, hot
- Can point to noses
- Can throw a temper tantrum... omg drama =)

Love this boy so so much and can't wait for this next year!


  1. Loved all your decorations! You did a great job! And how cute is a mustache theme?!


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