Jackson's Birth Story
I woke up June 13th around 5:55am to some strong contractions. At first I didn't think they were anything too serious because the last couple of nights you hadn't let me sleep very well. Always pushing really hard and flopping around. It was when I started watching the clock and realizing they were every 5-10 minutes that I realized today might be your grand entrance day!
Your dad had to get up early to go to work with your Uncle Josh in Denver so I told him to pack his hospital bag up just in case. I kept timing my contractions and they kept coming. They were pretty uncomfortable but I was able to get the rest of my stuff together and packed. Luckily, the day before I had done all the laundry, including sheets, cleaned the shower really well, and had wrote down all the important numbers I might need. I watched the contractions for about an hour and Doctor Howell had told me if they were strong for an hour and every 2-5 minutes apart I should go to the hospital. I decided to wait a little longer because I had a doctors appointment that morning, so I figured I would just wait for her.
At the appointment, the contractions kept coming. She checked me and I was dilated to 3cm and was 80% effaced. She was very excited about my contractions and told me that it was most likely early labor and I should call your dad to tell him to come home and that I should head over to the hospital for me to get hooked up to listen to you and to check me. Good thing I packed all of our hopsital stuff into the car that morning, including your car seat. I texted all my sister, sister in laws, mother in law, and called my mom to tell them I was headed over.
Your aunt Abbey got there soon after with food for your daddy (I was so hungry and it was only around noon!) The contractions kept getting stronger and when I found out I could get the epidural whenever, I did. The doctors were all very nice and helpful. The anesthesialogist told me I did great for my epidural! I could sit cross legged easily and I didn't move at all! The epidural helped with pain a lot! My whole left side was numb but my right side wasn't. They had me lay in all different positions to try to get the medicine on the right side. I layed there for awhile, sometimes not even knowing I was having contractions, but the doctor said I was getting closer and closer together.
The pain started coming really strong all of a sudden! So bad that your Aunt Janell and Aunt Abbey left the room. All the pain was on the right side and my uterus where the epidural wasn't doing anything and it was all the way into my hip making a cramping feeling that wouldn't go away. I was in so much pain I couldn't relax and didn't know what to do! Your Nana was there massaging my hip while your daddy held my hand and talk me through it. I was only 8cm so the doctor said I couldn't push yet, but she would have the anthestheosiologist come back up and change my epidural around and do a spinal block as well. Thankfully when he did that I had INSTANT relief and felt so much better! It made very light headed but that was better than the pain I was feeling before.
They had me rest for about an hour since I was so exhausted after all of the pain and they wanted me to have a lot of strength for when I had to push you out. I didn't get much rest in before a new pain came along. It was the pressure pain they told me I would feel once you started coming down! I had to be in pain for awhile before they told me I could push. Thank goodness!! The pushing hurt but it made the other pain go away for awhile. I started pushing at about 8pm because another lady down the hall was further along than me so I had to wait it out. I can't even describe the amount of pain I was in. Your Nana was on one side holding my leg while your dad was on the other leg. I pushed and pushed for about an hour and a half! I was yelling more than I expected to and wanted you out of me!! Finally they said, "There is his head and it's full of hair!!" The rest of you came right out and they put you on my belly while they cleaned you up some. They weighed you in at 6 lbs 3.8 oz and 19.5 inches long! Your toes and fingers are super long too!
Had an epidural... but was basically natural childbirth.
Had an epidural... but was basically natural childbirth.
Everyone there got to hold you. Your daddy was so proud and so was I! You were beautiful! A little bit of a cone head because it took so long for you to come out. Before everyone left, we annouced your name was Jackson Gary Thalman (named after your Papa). After everyone left it was just your dad and I and the doctors so we could have some family time. They finally bathed you. Your daddy got to watch, I was very exhausted! You didn't like your head under the faucet to wash your head but when they stuck you in the bath tub you relaxed! It was just like my belly warm and wet. I don't remember much after that. Doctors came in and out all night to check on you and to check on me. I tried feeding you a couple of times and eventually you figured it out, but only for a little bit. You were so tired from your adventure you kept falling asleep.
You would wimper on and off all night but all I had to do was whisper "It's okay Jackson, shhh" and you would settle down. It's amazing that you know my voice. You settle down instantly and move towards it. We got to share a special time around 3am. You were crying so I just held you. You opened both of your eyes and just stared at me! We talked for a little bit but mostly just stared at each other.
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