Easter Sunday is my favorite Sunday (aside from the primary program. Little kids singing. The. Best.).
Everyone is dressed in their new Easter outfits and this Sunday was our fast and testimony meeting. Perfect combo.
For those that don't know, at my church we have a fast and testimony meeting once a month where during sacrament meeting anyone can get up and bear their testimony of Christ. It's usually a very spiritual experience. Even more so because the kids outdid the adults! Their testimonies are short and sweet and one little girl who had to of been about 8 or 9 even started to choke up. So sweet.
The festivities started with a visit to the Easter bunny. It took FOREVER to get in but it was worth it. Jackson LOVED the Easter bunny even though it freaks me out. The bunny's head was all drooped down and I could tell he was asleep so the camera man had to say "Wake up Easter bunny!" Jackson hugged him, kissed him and wouldn't let go. We also got to have a picture with a real bunny. He liked that one too. He tried to stand up on the wheel barrow and tipped it over and the bunny fell out. No one was hurt though.
We had the Marino's come over Saturday night to dye some Easter egg. Scott and I started a tradition of shooting the eggs that we make. Don't know if we will be able to do that here since there really isn't an outdoor range near. Bummer.
My Easter Sunday did not start off too well however. I woke up with a headache, Jackson wasn't being the happiest, I was making the hard boil eggs for Easter dinner and couldn't get them to come out (finally did), realized my ham wasn't going to fit into my crock pot (converted it to an oven recipe and worked great).... the list just kept adding up. Thankfully it was fast and testimony meeting and that helped the mood and by the end of the day I was much better. We had the Beardley's come over for Easter dinner which was SO good! Jackson LOVED the ham and basically everything I put on his plate! He is doing so good with eating!
Easter basket for Jackson. He got a cheeping chick, crayons, a ball, and bubbles. The candy is for us =) |
He was a MESS but LOVES feeding himself |
I need to get over the fact that Jackson doesn't care about stuffed animals. Scout liked it though... |
look at that belly!!!! He sure likes eating!