Jackson is... 2???

How did that happen?! 2 years ago today we got to finally go home after his open heart surgery after being born, which you can read about RIGHT HERE What a fun little man we have on our hands. He runs around all day. Loves anything to do with balls, cars, and trains. Typical boy. He talks in full sentences, sleeps in a big boy bed, and we will soon start potty training! He also sings songs the ABCs and many songs he has learned at church. So cute to listen. Thank you Lucie for the adorable pictures! For his birthday I really wanted to do something low key and not too much work. Of course that doesn't apply to the cake, the most fun part! We took what Jackson loved and made a party out of it. A ball party. We had it in our backyard, invited a few of his friends (also my nieces and nephew were in town!) and played with big and small balls, all sports balls, and bubbles (ball shaped). Now...