The Horse Races at Keeneland
If you haven't ever been to a horse race you haven't lived! It is the most surreal experience ever. The bugle sounds "da da dada dada da da da da" "They're at the post" "RRRRRIINNNG" Here in Lexington they have horse races twice a year, fall and spring, for 3 weeks at a time at Keeneland. Every time I hear the bugle sound I get chills. It is unlike anything I have ever done. This year we were able to go twice. Once when my mother-in-law and sister-in-law with her little lady Juilanne, were in town and the other was with some friends from church and medical school, the Beardsley's We had some styling kids when we went with the in-laws. Not to brag, but Jackson might have been the cutest kid there. He was getting double takes EVERYWHERE and he was definitely flirting with EVERY girl he had contact with. It's probably because his Nana got him a super cute checkered shirt with a matching hat! Jac...